Saturday 11 May 2013

Exploring the Unknown

I decided today to start this blog and to tell people of my experiences of the unknown and going to explore other peoples experiences aswell in other posts.


I will start with the biggest experance of a UFO i have encountered ,back many moon's ago when i was 15 years old March 1994 I was laying on my belly on the floor doing my homework was not enjoying it very much thinking to myself how can i get out of this I needed some sort of intervention.

It was a normal March night in England dark cold and windy ,and then it happened all the lights went out I could not see my hand infront of my face ,I thought great at least I don't have to do my home work now.

So after feeling my way round to the kitchen where my Mother was i asked if we had any candles she replied "yes in the cupboard under the sink" I lit a candle at least i could see now, that's when i noticed something strange our dog called Sam was in the kitchen he was shaking trying to hide under the table, he only gets like that when there's a thunderstorms about but there was none that night it was clear sky's.

My Brother had been upstairs playing on his Commodore Amiga at the time the lights went out and had a flash light ,he came to the top of the stairs and shouted down "There's something flying over the house like a blimp or something go outside and have a look".

So my Brother came down the stairs and we proceeded outside, the first thing i noticed was the noise it was a very low hum kind of made your ears ring ,as I looked up to the North this thing near filled the sky you could just see the outline of the shape of the craft, it was a giant triangle my jaw dropped to the floor my eye's was seeing but my brain was not believing.

The craft was about the size of I would say 5 football pitches in size, heading North slowly at around 1000 ft high ,from the view i had from under the craft it was a triangle with three luminous balls of orange light ,but when it started to get distant it could be seen with alot more bulk than a flat triangle.

As the craft got I assume a mile away another strange thing happened all of a sudden we could see light blinking on and off in some sort of pattern and then it vanished in a flash and then the electric came back on and the encounter was over it's something I'll remember the rest of my life, please view the pictures i have drew on PC paint so they are not great but gives the idea of what it looked like to me.

View as from the bottom of the craft.

This is the view from the back of the craft as I see it as it moved away.

Well that's it for this week I'll be back with some more unknown next week.

Mike Depear